PN5190 Tx Shaping, Receiver, & Contactless Test Station

PN5190 Tx Shaping

 - Tx shaping 

 - Advanced Waveshaping Control (AWC)

PN5190 Receiver

 - Block diagram & concept advantages

 - Settings & Adjustment

PN5190 Contactless Test Station (CTS)

 - Features & Settings

 - Tools

 - Life demo example type A and type B

 - Advanced example with DFT

EMVCo 3.0b (3.1)

 - What is new?


DWM Points: 150
Duration: 60


- PN5190 Antenna tuning

     - Application Note & Tools

     - What‘s new with PN5190?

- PN5190 Dynamic Power Control 2.0

    - DC/DC operation

    - "Calibration": Current measurement and control

    - "Calibration": Current reduction LUT


    - How to use

    - Life demo

DWM Points: 150
Duration: 60

This class is for RC8 DFAEs who support the mass market. You shall learn more about NTAG5 and NTAG I2C with demos.

DWM Points: 150
Duration: 88

PN5190 Product Introduction

   - Product summary

   - Applications & target markets

   - Product Benefits

   - NXP design in support

DWM Points: 150
Duration: 60

Measuring is knowing. This adage is valid for Industry 4.0 but also increasingly for the healthcare market. Adding electronics to a mechanical drug delivery device, provides both the patients and the care givers with good insights into how the prescribed drug is being used. NXP has multiple IC solutions in its portfolio that enhance existing devices. In this presentation, we will discuss use cases such as smart injection pens, inhalers, blisters and smart distance tracking. In addition, we will present how manufacturers can guarantee correct functioning and protection against counterfeited supplies.

DWM Points: 75
Duration: 22

This is the first Part of an NTAG 5 webinar series covering the following topics:

  • NTAG 5 Pre-Read: Introduction & Overview
  • NTAG 5 Features (I): “Regulated Energy Harvesting”–zero power electronic devices
  • NTAG 5 Features (II): “I2C Master”– why you don’t need a μC to read out sensor data
  • NTAG 5 Features (III): General purpose I/O, pulse width modulation and event detection functionality replace μC

DWM Points: 150
Duration: 75