NXP provide state of the art products that powers with the latest technology its customer applications. Furthermore, products are considered in environment where more than just the bare chipset is set. We aim to deliver solution that can help speeding the design-in process. As a complement to thus proposed solutions, it is also key to create an environment of development, access to technical information as well as to NXP engineers as easy as possible. Easy of designing in with NXP products is the final target.

In this scope, NXP has engaged in multi-year program to bring its service platform to the next level. This includes all NXP digital channels serving its distributor engineers, its partners and its customers. Even if the program has started before the COVID-19 crisis, it came as a helper in this period as the infrastructure and the platform has been already established. Of course, the platform carrying its online channels such as the Website or the Communities, is not enough without the evolution of its content.

In this session, we will give an overview of the program, the steps achieved with focus on our distribution channel. 

DWM Points: 100
Duration: 33