This hands on session will show you the features of the EdgeLock SE051.

DWM Points: 150
Duration: 116

NXP will extend its successful EdgeLock SE050 family by the new variants SE051. Those variants are suitable for customers requesting applet updatability and own applet development. SE051 variants are NOT fully mass market and require certain knowledge and involvement. This session will provide a heads up on the products to come and is dedicated for the SECURITY EXPERTS DFAEs. The session is followed by a more in depth getting started session during the DFAE conference.

DWM Points: 100
Duration: 52

EdgeLock SE050 is NXP’s Secure Element coming with an advanced feature set and certified security. With its Pug & Trust approach and support package it makes it easy to enable IoT Security use cases. This training starts with an introduction to the use cases supported by EdgeLock SE050 in various applications, followed by a detailed guide on how to get started with EdgeLock SE050 in a few, simple steps to secure and authenticate a sensor/sensor data towards a network.  

DWM Points: 100
Duration: 58

This is from webinar and shall discuss the use of Security Element. EdgeLock SE050 is NXP’s Secure Element coming with an advanced feature set and certified security. With its Pug & Trust approach and support package it makes it easy to enable IoT Security use cases.

DWM Points: 100
Duration: 50

EdgeLock SE050 is NXP’s Secure Element with an advanced feature set and certified security. Its "plug & trust" approach and support package help make enabling IoT Security use cases easier. This training starts with an introduction to the use cases supported by EdgeLock SE050 in various applications, followed by a detailed guide on how to get started with EdgeLock SE050 in a few simple steps to secure and authenticate a sensor/sensor data towards a network.  

DWM Points: 60
Duration: 51