S32K3 Toolchain Common Issue.

   - S32K3 DS 3.5.0 and RTD 3.0.0

   - Common issue

DWM Points: 60
Duration: 38

AWS IoT for S32K3.

- S32K3 with AWS IoT Core

- Capabilities and Architecture

- S32K3 AWS Applications

HVBMS Reference Design

- Architecture and system solution

- System Functional safety

- Development process

- Customer Benefit

- Hardware and software offerings

DWM Points: 60
Duration: 50

S32K3 Toolchain Common Issue.

   - S32K3 DS 3.5.0 and RTD 3.0.0

   - Common issue

DWM Points: 60
Duration: 38

1. S32K3 Update.

    - S32K3 Overview Update - portfolio, package...

    - Safety File Accessing Process

    - Safety Function Academy

2. S32K3 Enablement Upate.

    - Resources and References

DWM Points: 30
Duration: 32

S32K376 BMS & VCU Reference Design.

-S32K376 Overview

-S32K376 Reference Design

DWM Points: 30
Duration: 20

MaxQFP Package for S32K3

-Package Background

-Recommended PCB Design

-Automated Optical Inspection

DWM Points: 30
Duration: 28

Model-based Design Toolbox overview

-What/Why/How is MBDT(Features & Using)

-Deploying AUTOSAR SWC on NXP S32K3

-NXP MC & BMS Solution on MBDT

DWM Points: 30
Duration: 35

S32K324 Triple PMSM Solution

- Overview

- Solution introduction

DWM Points: 30
Duration: 24


• 集成热管理控制器(ITMU)的背景介绍 

• 集成热管理执行域控的实现方式比较 

• 三电机控制参考设计板项目介绍

DWM Points: 30
Duration: 13